– Principal Architect
– Bachelor of Architecture (BA Arch)
– Diploma in Architecture (DipArch)
– Certificated for residential, public and industrial building design since 1997
Professional Associations
– member of the board of the Latvian Association of Architects
– Latvian
- Russian
- English
Juris Mitenbergs is one of the leading architects of his generation who got recognition in Latvia as well as abroad. Mitenbergs is one of the 40 architects who received the prestigious EUROPE 40 UNDER 40 award (2009), that celebrates the Europe’s emerging young architects and designers. In 2000 he set up his office AB3D Ltd. His practice strive to define the space with both a minimalist and expressive techniques, while respecting the environment, where the architectural solution melts with it or -contrasts it. His company AB3D is interested in revitalizing the emotions in architecture using simple shapes or the opportunities given by arrangement of shapes. Mitenbergs and the architects of AB3D view the process as a new quest in arrangement of lines, rhythm, materials, forms and proportions.
In recent year’s projects completed by Mitenbergs and AB3D got recognition in local and international architectural contests. Residential complex Čiekurkrasti received the Architectural Review MIPIM Future Projects Award in the category Residential Buildings in 2008 in Cannes. At that time the project Čiekurkrasti was at the stage of designing the residential complex that is located in a suburb of Riga. It is made up of three joined blocks facing the Lake Baltezers to the south and framing a wide courtyard to the North West. Incorporation of natural surroundings was the main objective of the design process of the residential complex Čiekurkrasti. Voids and openings to the landscape create terraces and tunnels. Circulation areas outside the building feature sculptural concrete stairs that rise through openings in the volume and connect the courtyard to the lower laying waterfront. It was completed in 2014. Residential project Čiekurkrasti received two prizes in the American The Architizer A+Awards( 2015, New York). In the category “Multi Unit Housing-Low Rise” it received the jury prize as well as the people choice prize. The project Čiekurkrasti was published in the PHAIDON A+Award book. Also the project was shortlisted for Latvian architecture award in 2014 as well as shortlisted for the Plan Award ( Milano) in 2015.
In 2014 architects team lead by Mitenbergs completed project ‘University of Rēzekne. Department of Engineering. The right to design the new building was won by architectural bureau AB3D in a contest as early as 2008, and with the support of European Regional Development Fund it has now been carried out. Looking for an associative code in building’s visual image that would correspond to its content, architects offered a likeness with a microchip divided into separate structures yet functioning in a single system. This design is more than characteristic to Juris Mitenbergs that obtained total purity of line and form along with coming to its prime. The project ‘University of Rēzekne. Department of Engineering’ received an honorable mention in the PLAN AWARD in the Educational category. During the Award ceremony week in Milano AB3D architects got the opportunity participate the connected PLAN X Perspective symposium and to present their latest projects to an international audience. The project ‘University of Rēzekne. Department of Engineering’ was also acknowledged in the most prestigious local award The Latvian Architecture Award 2015 and won the Silver prize. The international jury highlighted the rational design of functional planning and subtle work on minimalist yet highly effective interior details.
Juris Mitenbergs and AB3D are currently working on large scale residential complex located near to the Riga historical center as well as residential buildings in the Riga historical center, and Latvia Museum of Contemorary art in partnership with Adjaye Associates Ltd and ser David Adjaye . Also Mitenbergs was involved in organizing the series of exhibitions featuring contemporary Latvian architecture that took place in London Festival of Architecture (2010) and Days of Latvian Architecture in Kiev (2012). He is a member of the board of the Latvian association of Architects.
Juris Mitenbergs ir viens no savas paaudzes vadošajiem arhitektiem, kas ieguvis atzinību gan Latvijā, gan ārpus Latvijas robežām. 2008 gadā AB3D projektētais dzīvojamais un atpūtas kompleks Čiekurkrasti (projekta stadijā) ieguva balvu strptautiskajā konkursā Architectural Review MIPIM Future Projects Award, kas norisinājās Kannās (Francija) , bet2009 gadā Mitenbergs iekļuva strp 40 Eiropas jaunajiem arhitektiem prestižajā konkursā EURPOE 40 UNDER 40 AWARD.
2000.gadā Mitenbergs nodibināja arhitektu biroju AB3D. Biroja mērķis – radīt videi un ainavai draudzīgu, emocionāli iedarbīgu, tehniski realizējamu arhitektūru ar matemātiski precīzi īstenotu funkciju. Savā darbībā birojs tiecas definēt telpu ar gan minimālistiskiem, gan ekspresīviem paņēmieniem, respektējot vidi, arhitektūras risinājumi ar to saplūst vai tieši otrādi – kontrastē. AB3D interesē iedzīvināt arhitektūrā emocijas izmantojot vienkāršas formas vai to sakārtosuma sniegtās iespējas. Svarīga ir telpas un formas uztveres relativitāte atkarībā no vērotāja atrašanās vietas, arhitektūras skulpturālā spēja atklāties un mainīties atkarībā no skata puncta. Izmantojot pamatformas – taisnstūri, taisnstūra paralēlskaldni un to trasformācijas iespējas, AB3D interesē iespēja atrast jaunus, varbūt pat neatpazītus risinājumus pazīstamajā. Interesē process kā jauna meklējumi līniju, ritmu, materiālu, formu un proporciju kārtojumā.
Pēdējos gados virkne Mitenberga un AB3D realizētie objekti ir guvuši vietēja un straptautiska mēroga atzinību. Dzīvojamais un atpūtas kompleks Čiekurkrasti, kas atrodas Ādžos, Mazā Baltezera krastā, un pabeigts 2014.gadā, plaši pazīstamā starptautiskā konkursā THE ARCHITIZER A+AWARDS (2015, New York), ieguva gan žūrijas, gan publikas galveno balvu kategorijā Mazstāvu dzīvojamās ēkas un tika publicēts grāmatā PHAIDON A+AWARD, kā arī iekļuva finālistu sarakstā starptautiskajā konkursā THE PLAN AWARD (Milano) 2015 un Latvijas Arhitektūras gada balvas 2014 konkursā.
Savukārt 2015 gadā pabeigtais Rēzeknes Augstskolas Inženieru fakultātes jaunais korpuss ieguva Latvijas Arhitektūras Gada balvu – Sudraba Ananāss un starptautiskajā konkursā THE PLAN AWARD (Milano 2015) ieguva godpilnās atzinības rakstu.
Šobrīd Juris Mitenbergs un AB3D strādā pie vairākiem daudzdzīvokļu ēku projektiem Rīgas vēsturiskajā centrā un tā aizsargjoslā, Jūrmalā, kā arī pie Latvijas Laikmetīgās Mākslas muzeja sadarbībā ar Adjaye Associates Ltd un seru David Adjaye.
Juris Mitenbergs ir Latvijas Arhitektu savienības padomes loceklis un ir iesaistījies virknē ar Latvijas mūsdienu arhitektūru siastītu izstāžu organizēšanā – London Festival of Architecture (2010), Latvijas arhitektūras dienas Kijevā (2012).